Best Practices for Passing the TREC State Exam on the First Attempt

We understand that you are taking the real estate courses to qualify to take the State exam and would like to pass on the first attempt. There are several steps that can be taken to improve the odds of passing on the first attempt.

The first step is to purchase the package of courses that includes the Exam Prep and Math Blaster. Definitely the Exam Prep, but if you are strong on math, then skip the Math Blaster.

The second step is to complete the required courses as quickly as possible to retain as much of the material as possible.

After completing the required courses, turn in your application. Wait and take the Exam Prep and Math Blaster a few days before the TREC State Exam.

And remember to get a good nights sleep before the exam. Be prepared and be sure your calendar is empty so you can concentrate on the exam.